Grace Notes

News from GraceWorks Ministries, Inc.

October 2012

Our Little Angels

Behold, children are a gift of the Lord... Psalm 127:3 (NASB)

Angels are among us….

While it would be easy this month to talk about how busy we are with Christmas and Thanksgiving registrations, or to remind you that it’s already time to sign up as a Holiday Food Basket sponsor or to schedule a family or group to work The Manger – instead, I want to share about one of the newest ways you are helping meet the needs of your neighbor.

Several years ago, prompted by a generous donor, we began working on a program to help meet the basic needs of economically at-risk infants and mothers. We ultimately decided many heads are better than one so we’ve partnered with other agencies and programs who are already working with such families. Experienced agencies assess the needs of their client base and refer the most difficult situations to the GraceWorks Our Little Angels Program.

Once a family has been referred to the Our Little Angels Program – we begin filling the most basic of infant needs; Diapers, food, baby beds, car seats, etc.

It is heartbreaking to know without this help many infants would go home to sleep in a drawer or leave the hospital in a borrowed car seat that goes back to the owner – leaving the new baby to travel around in someone’s arms.

We believe every child is a gift and deserves the best start to life. The generosity of donors has made the Our Little Angels program a reality and we are just now beginning to see the effects of how this generosity will change the lives of the infants it serves. We are grateful to community partners who have made this program an actuality. A special thanks goes out to Walmart and USA Baby for their part in providing needed items for this program.

You too can improve the start of an economically at-risk infant and double your donation. Heritage Heating and Cooling will match any monetary gift given to the GraceWorks Our Little Angels Program up to $10,000 (click here). For more information about the Our Little Angels program or to make a donation visit our web-site at

Many churches stress the responsibility of the entire congregation in the spiritual growth of a child. I would like to stress the importance of the entire church body in both the spiritual and physical growth of a child. You can help make a beginning and future brighter for a precious bundle of joy!

Tina Edwards
Executive Director